Lets you change the currently selected Envelope Setup.
Disabled because there is no selected item in the list.
Deletes the currently selected Envelope Setup.
This list displays the list of Envelope Setups that are currently defined. The item with the bullet to the left of it is the one that will be used to print envelopes.
Marks the currently selected Envelope Setup as the one that will be used to print envelopes.
Enter the height of the envelope, in inches.
Enter the distance between the left side of the envelope and where you want the address to print, in inches.
Choose Top, Middle, or Bottom, depending on how the envelope lines up on the paper feeder when it is fed through your printer.
Sets the font to use for the address and return address.
Sets the font size to use for the address and return address.
Sets the type style(s) to use for the address and return address.
Select “Use ATTN: Format” to format addresses as:
XYZ Company
ATTN: John Smith
instead of:
John Smith
XYZ Company
Select this radio button to create a text-based return address.
Select this radio button to specify that the return address is a PICT graphic.
Enter the return address.
Disabled because “Use Text” is not selected.
Displays the PICT to be used for the return address if “Use PICT” is selected.
Click this button to select a PICT file to use as the return address.
Click this button to remove the PICT graphic used for the return address.
Disabled because “Use PICT” is not selected.
Enter a name for this Envelope Setup.
Enter a name for the first custom page size.
Enter the width for the first custom page size, in inches.
Enter the height for the first custom page size, in inches.
Enter a name for the second custom page size.
Enter the width for the second custom page size, in inches.
Enter the height for the second custom page size, in inches.
Forces a page break for every new letter.
Forces a column break for every new letter.
No column or page breaks are inserted for new letters.
Disabled because the report has only one column.
Records print sequentially down each column and then move over to the next column.
Records print sequentially across each row and then move down to the next row.
Rulers are displayed in inches.
Rulers are displayed in centimeters.
Rulers are displayed in points.
When a record’s categories are displayed, they are formatted like this:
When a record’s categories are displayed, they are formatted like this:
If selected, a blank page is inserted for letters with no records in them.
Disabled because “New Page For Every Letter” is not selected.
If selected, a dividing line is drawn under each row.
If selected, a dividing line is drawn between each column.
Enter the starting page number of the report.
If selected, Phonebook draws a frame guide around every box in the Report window.
Disabled because you haven’t entered search text.
Enter the text for which to search.
Search all fields.
Search the first name, last name, and address fields only.